Orange County

County History: 
Quick Facts
  • County seat: Hillsborough, NC
  • Population: ~149,077 (2020 census)
  • Home of the University of North Carolina and UNC Healthcare
  • Orange county website
People and Biographies
Notable individuals from nursing history.
  • Martha McFarlane McGee Bell (1735-1820): Revolutionary War nurse. (Biographic sketch available through NCpedia: Suggs, J.R. (1979). Bell, Martha McFarlane McGee. NCpedia. Available online:
  • Audrey Booth (1924-2019): First nurse to receive a MSN (in Nursing Administration) from a North Carolina nursing school, the UNC School of Nursing.
  • Elizabeth Scott Carrington (1902-1993): Nurse instrumental in founding Carolina's School of Nursing.
  • Betty Baines Compton (1940- ): Pioneer family nurse practitioner.
  • Margaret Dolan (1914-1974): National nursing leader and first American Nurse Association (ANA) President from North Carolina.
  • Annie Ruth Graham (1916-1968): Korean War and Vietnam War nurse from Elfland, NC.
  • Judy Hawkinson ( ): One of the first nurses to work at the Carol Woods Assisted Living Facility in Chapel Hill. (Oral history interview with Hawkinson available through UNC's Southern Oral History collection.)
  • Martha Henderson ( ): Geriatric Nurse Practitioner at the Carol Woods Assisted Living Facility in Chapel Hill. (Oral history interview with Henderson available through UNC's Southern Oral History collection.)
Additional resources for further research.

Articles and Publications

  • Brocker, E. (1948, February). Resources contributing to total family living. The Health Bulletin, p.5.
  • Fitzgerald, G.L. (1991). The School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and the pioneers who built it. Self published Raleigh, NC.
  • Sessoms, D. (1960). A safety project in elementary schools. American Journal of Nursing, 60(9), pp.1288-1289.


Newspaper Clippings

Compiled by: 
Phoebe Pollitt