Notable individuals from nursing history.
- Ben Harrison (c.1920s): Male graduate of Angel Brothers' Hospital in Macon County, he was listed in the County Register of Nurses in 1929. Angel Brothers' Hospital had a School of Nursing in the 1920s -1930s. It was one of the few hospitals to accept male students.
- Margaret Harry (c.1920s): Red Cross nurse, educator, and nursing mentor.
- Leona Dell Rickman (c.1920s): Director of the nurses' training school of Angel Brothers' Hospital, she died at the age of 29 after contracting rheumatic fever. She was born and raised in Franklin, NC, and received her training from Angel Brothers', where she served first as a student nurse and then as director for eight years. (Clippings comprise an undated article about her career and passing: Clip 1, Clip 2, Clip 3.)