Iredell County

County History: 
Quick Facts
People and Biographies
Notable individuals from nursing history.
  • Selma Hortense Burke (1900-1995): Burke graduated from St. Agnes Training School for Nurses in 1924, and was a celebrated artist and sculpter. She founded the Selma Burke Art Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1968. (Biographical information available on Black Past: Mack, F. (2007, December 15). Selma Hortense Burke (1900-1995).
  • Faith Sparks Hawkins (1927- ): Hawkins was born and raised in Wilkes County. She trained as a nurse with the Cadet Nurse Corps from 1944 to 1947, then practiced at Veterans Administration hospitals and facilities in North Carolina. She was a graduate on H.L. Long Hospital School of Nursing in Statesville, NC. (Interview and biographical information available through UNC Greensboro digital collections: Oral history interview with Faith Sparks Hawkins, 2005.)
  • Mildred Smith Johnson (1932-2000): Mildred V. Smith Johnson of Iredell County, North Carolina, served in the Army Nurse Corps (ANC) from 1954 to 1961, and continued her nursing career as a civilian in military hospitals until 1984. (Interview and biographical information available through UNC Greensboro digital collections: Oral history interview with Mildred Smith Johnson, 2000.)
  • Pam Rudisill ( ): Rudisill, MSN, MEd, RN, NEA-BC, of Iredell County, is vice president for nursing/patient safety at Health Management Associates, Inc. (HMA), a 55-hospital system in Naples, Florida. (Interview with Rudisill available in Nurse Leader: Waxman, K.T. (2010). Leader to Watch: Pam Rudisill. Nurse Leader.
Additional resources for further research.

Health Care Institutions

Articles and Publications

  • Campbell, A. (1948, February). Well Baby Clinics. The Health Bulletin, pp.14-15.

Newspaper Clippings

Compiled by: 
Phoebe Pollitt