Bladen County

County History: 
Quick Facts
People and Biographies
Notable individuals from nursing history.
  • Col. Mildred I. Clark (1915-1994): Born in Elkton, NC, Clark was the 12th Chief Nurse of the US Army Nurse Corps.
  • Edith MacNeil Holmes (1905-1979): “Nurse Mac” was born and raised in the Clarkton area. She was a pioneer public health midwife and midwife educator in the 1930-1940s. Her service throughout her career also included providing tuberculosis screenings, working as a school nurse, and visiting farmers in the fields to provide vaccinations. (Oral history of Edith MacNeil Holmes available from the Internet Archive.)
  • Margaret Willoughby ( ): Margaret Willoughby of Bladin County was selected as the recipient of the BE-INvolved nursng award for 1970.  See the Tar Heel Nurse March, 1970 issue pages 12-13.
Additional resources for further research.

Newspaper Clippings

Compiled by: 
Phoebe Pollitt