Polk County

County History: 
Quick Facts
People and Biographies
Notable individuals from nursing history.
  • Hilla Sheriff (1920s-1940s): Dr. Hilla Sheriff and the American Medical Women's Association organized a health program in Spartenberg County SC in the 1930s which also served the citizens of Polk County, NC.  The program included "healthmobiles" or traveling health education and service vans as well as "health houses" where people could come for assessment and treatment of pellegra, hookworm, maternal and child health services and other care as needed. 
Additional resources for further research.

Articles and Publications

  • Leonard, D. (2007). A Spoonful of Education Helps the Medicine Go Down: Dr. Hilla Sheriff Brings Public Service and education to Spartanburg County 1929-1940 [student paper]. UNC Asheville. Available for copy through UNCA Senior Papers: History special collection
Compiled by: 
Phoebe Pollitt