Notable individuals from nursing history.
- Fannie Keyes Coleman (1929-2017): Registered Nurse and politician from Oriental, NC. An interview with Coleman from August 2005 is available from UNC Wilmington Libraries.
- Violet Meredith (circa 1890s - early 1900s): The first trained nurse in Pamlico County. She came to Washington, NC to nurse Mrs. John B. Respess, who had typhoid fever. People who had typhoid fever most commonly perished, but Mrs. Respess got well due to the care she received (from the 1976 Bicentennial history of Pamlico County).
- Lovie Beard Shelton (1925-2013): First public health nurse in Pamlico and surrounding counties.
- Pleasant Mae Suggs-Evans (1911-2007): Nurse-midwife from Bayboro, NC. After getting married in 1930, she worked in Baltimore, Maryland, where she also organized senior citizen programs while working for the Model Cities Program.