Notable individuals from nursing history.
- Irene Saldoma Bobbitt (u.d.-2012): Granville County community nurse. (Obituary.)
- Chrissy Gresham (1979- ): Hospice nurse from Granville County. (Article about Gresham was featured in Parade magazine: Flynn, S. (2010). At the End of Life, They Offer Comfort. Parade.
- Frances Duty Hayes (u.d.-1925): World War I nurse from Granville County who served at Base Hospital No. 45.
- Ellen Thompson Hicks (1866-1951): Nurse and Episcopal missionary from Oxford, NC. (Biographical sketch available on NCpedia: Sims, A. (1988). Hicks, Ellen Thompson. NCpedia.
- Minnie Canarah Lyon (1886-1991): Missionary nurse and educator who served and taught in West Africa. A biographical sketch about Lyon can be found attached in the Resources section below.
- Mildred Alfy Mason (1925-1983): Nurse from Oxford, NC who was inducted into the Virginia Nursing Hall of Fame for her exemplary career as a nursing educator and public school nurse.