Special topics and events from the county's nursing history.
- Polio Epidemic, 1940s
- Elliott, M.L. (2007). The "Miracle" of Hickory: Mass Media and the "Miracle" [student paper]. North Dakota State University Communications Department. (Available online.) Article about the "Miracle of Hickory" - how the town erected an emergency polio hospital in just a few days in the 1940s.
- Gerard, P. (2018). The Miracle of Hickory: When polio strikes children in the Piedmont, doctors, nurses, and volunteers rise to the occasion to build an emergency quarantine hospital. Our State Magazine. Available online at https://www.ourstate.com/the-miracle-of-hickory
- Haines, D. (2005, February). "The Hickory Miracle." Carolina Country, pp.26-27.
- NCDNCR. (n.d.). Polio Outbreak and the "Miracle of Hickory" [blog post]. Available online at NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.
- Sink, A. E. (1998). The grit behind the miracle. Lantham, MD, University Press of America. This book describes the role of the nuses in the polio epidemic in Hickory in the 1940s.
- Zuber, R.L. (2006, r. 2021). "Miracle of Hikory." NCpedia. https://www.ncpedia.org/history/miracle-of-hickory
- Photograph of nurses at the Emergency Polio Hospital in Hickory, 1944: