Avery County

County History: 
Quick Facts
People and Biographies
Notable individuals from nursing history.
  • Goldie Allen (1920s-1930s): Avery county's first community health nurse.
  • Carmen Lacey (1957- ): President of Cannon Memorial Hospital, recently retired.
  • Delia Smith Rominger (1918-2014): Graduate of and nurse at Grace Hospital for 30 years. Born in Banner Elk, NC.
  • Elizabeth Holman Spence (1899-1977): Nurse and wife of Presbyterian minister Dr. Thomas Hugh Spence, Jr.
Additional resources for further research.

Books and Articles

  • Gilmer, M.D. (1999).  Panorama of caring: The story of two hospitals.  Avery County Health Care Systems:  Linville, NC.
  • Pollitt, P.A. & Moore, K.M. (Winter, 1992). Appalachian health care: the Grace Hospital School of Nursing. American Presbyterian, 70 (4).  This article describes one of the first schools of nursing in Appalachian North Carolina.


Compiled by: 
Phoebe Pollitt