Alamance County

County History: 
Quick Facts
People and Biographies
Notable individuals from nursing history.
  • Elizabeth Scott Carrington (1902-1993): Outstanding nurse who was instrumental in the founding of the first Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program in North Carolina at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1950.
  • Foust Family:  An African-American family living in rural Alamance County, N.C., concerning their daily lives, efforts to make a living, and education, including Edna Lee Foust's training as a nurse.
  • Mary King Kneedler (1913-2010): Mary King Kneedler was a public health nurse and educator in Western North Carolina, and served as a faculty member at Western Carolina University.
  • Lala Lee Paris (1901-1978): Paries was a nurse in the county from at least 1930-1970s.  She was Senator B. Everette Jordan's nurse when he died. (Mentioned in Saxapahaw by Heather Leigh Wallace.)
  • Margaret Ida Neville Stafford (1884-1969): Stafford worked as a private duty Registered Nurse (RN) around Burlington, N.C. Her  day book records her nursing assignments from 1915-1918. Each entry includes the patient's name, medical diagnosis and outcome, attending physician, the amount of time that Stafford spent caring for the patient, and her fee. (UNC Libraries Southern Historical Collection contains a brief biographical sketch and family history of Margaret Ida Neville Stafford that was written in 2003 by Frances A. Campbell, Stafford's great-niece, is also included.)
Special Topics
Special topics and events from the county's nursing history.
  • School Health Program
    • Nichols, D.W. (1954).  A school health program in a North Carolina County.  Nursing Outlook, 2 (6) 320-323. This article describes the school nursing program in Alamance County in 1954.
Additional resources for further research.



  • May Memorial Library maintains clipping files, photographs and other materials related to nursing history in the county. (Look for clippings under "health", "hospitals" and "schools".)

Newspaper Clippings

Compiled by: 
Phoebe Pollitt