Clay County

County History: 
Quick Facts
People and Biographies
Notable individuals from nursing history.
  • Marilyn Augustin (1980s): Home health nurse who worked in Cherokee, Clay, and Macon counties.
  • Janice Fulbright Patterson ( ): Janice Fulbright Patterson is a lifelong resident of North Carolina. She was born in Burke County and graduated from the Nursing Program at Western Carolina University in 1976. Clay County has been her home since 1982 following a move from Raleigh.  She was appointed Clay County Health Director in 1985 and continues to serve in that position. Some of her greatest professional achievements include successfully writing grants to establish a multi-county children’s dental practice operated by the health department, an American Diabetes Association approved Diabetes Self Management Education Program and Community Alternatives Program for Disabled Adults which keeps disabled and elderly adults in their homes rather than nursing homes. She operates the agency on an open access basis with midlevel providers accepting appointments most days of the week. (From the 100 nurses/100 counties project in 2014).
Compiled by: 
Phoebe Pollitt